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Mosque Maintenance

Taking care of mosques’ maintenance by entering into agreements with maintenance companies in order to ensure that the best standards of mosque maintenance are being implemented and maintain that all such facilities in mosques as air conditioners, microphones, lights, water dispensers, water closets, furniture, interior decorations and paint are always in appropriate conditions. The aim is to offer a healthy and safe environment for worshipers in line with the principles of Islam and upkeep the houses of Allah.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1538456323984-279bbf2f-4f47″][vc_single_image image=”10015″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]

Youth Services

• alcohol and other drug misuse
• long term mental health issues
• involvement with the juvenile justice system
• homelessness
• family relationship breakdown
• domestic and/or family violence
• teenage pregnancy and motherhood
• being at risk of disengaging from education, employment or training

UMNSW supports young people and their families to address problems early, link young people and their families to appropriate services, provide psychosocial support, self-help strategies, skill development, relationship development, build connections to family and education, and provide referral to specialised and multidisciplinary care or treatment services.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Section 3″ tab_id=”1538456558391-bb2b2acb-7acc”][vc_single_image image=”10016″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]

Religious Counsel

The UMNSW is pleased to announce that, in addition to all the other great services we currently provide to the community, we now have a full-time Religious Advice & Support service:

Islamic religious advice
Islamic Marriage Celebrant
Religious family affairs
Youth advice
Ask your questions with a qualified English speaking Imam[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Section 4″ tab_id=”1538456633054-59e14b4a-06ad”][vc_single_image image=”10017″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text]A great portion of Islam is giving dawah. UMNSW provides avenues for volunteers to be part of a team of Daee and also excel in their skill of communication.
UMNSW Dawah events including:
Street Dawah
Short Courses
Q&A panels
Regular Lectures
Outreach to Non-muslims
Dawah Seminars
Printed Material[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_pageable][ultimate_spacer height=”25″][/vc_column][/vc_row]